Spring Valley Hospital to Host Car Seat Safety Checks

Spring Valley and Summerlin hospitals are hosting on-site car seat safety checks on a rotating basis on the second Saturday from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. Certified technicians from Safe Kids Clark County performs all car seat checks.
Statistics from Safe Kids Clark County note that 8 out of 10 car seats are incorrectly installed.
Upcoming dates include:
March 11, May 13, July 8, September 9, November 11
Spring Valley Hospital, 5400 S. Rainbow Blvd, Las Vegas 89118
Cross streets are Rainbow and Hacienda; the event will be held in the parking lot facing Rainbow Blvd.
April 8, June 10, August 12, October 14, December 9
Summerlin Hospital, 657 N. Town Center, Las Vegas 89144
Town Center Dr. and Hualapai (in the NE parking garage off Town Center)
Due to the popularity of the event, Safe Kids will limit vehicles helped beginning between 11:15 - 11:30 am. The carseat checkup event is free, but donations are always welcome and average $20. These donations go directly to help buy carseats for the southern Nevada community.
For more information, visit https://www.safekidsclarkcounty.org/